Creating large amounts of sample data using Faker
Require Laravel 5.1.
Faker package is included by default in require-dev composer.json as of laravel 5.1.
Create the class table seeder (file name format modelNameTableSeeder.php) in /database/seeds/ directory, put the example code bellow in the run() method of the class.
This will truncate (remove) the table record then it will loop (foreach) to create 50 new record for name field it will contain a sentence with 2 words and descripton field with a sentence of 4 words.
Faker can be useful for many task related to sample data, Faker documentation.
The working example of code snipet above as follow. File located at /database/seeds/ TodolistTableSeeder.php
It need to be called from the database seeder class ( /database/seeds/ DatabaseSeeder.php ) using :
Again, an example bellow. File located at /database/seeds/ DatabaseSeeder.php
Rebuild class map, run :
composer dump-autoload
Seeding the database :
php artisan db:seed
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