Jul 21, 2015 • 1 min read

AngularJS animation code example

Animation, by definition, is the process of creating a continuous motion over a period of time.

Example code hosted at github gist, click on the link bellow to see example code live preview and code source. Any change to gist will reflected in the live preview at real time. :ok_hand:

  1. Example one animation
  2. CSS transition animation
  3. CSS transition
  4. CSS Keyframe animation
  5. Transition timing functions
  6. CSS3 transform rotate
  7. CSS3 transform scale
  8. CSS3 transform skew
  9. CSS3 transform translate
  10. Simple loading animation
  11. AngularJS ngShow fade animation
  12. AngularJS ngIf fade animation
  13. AngularJS ngRepeat animation
  14. AngularJS ngClass animation
  15. AngularJS ngHide animation
  16. AngularJS ngModel and form animation
  17. AngularJS ngMessage and ngMessages animation
  18. AngularJS ngView animation
  19. AngularJS ngSwitch animation
  20. AngularJS ngInclude animation
  21. AngularJS ngClass JavaScript animation
  22. AngularJS ngHide JavaScript animation
  23. AngularJS ngIf JavaScript animation
  24. AngularJS ngRepeat JavaScript animation
  25. AngularJS ngIf with CSS Animation and fallback for JavaScript animation
  26. Pure CSS Parallax
  27. AngularJS custom directives animations
  28. AngularJS $animate.enter and $animate.leave
  29. AngularJS Custom Directives animations using $animate.move
  30. AngularJS Custom Directives JavaScript animations
  31. AngularJS Swipe Slider animation
  32. AngularJS ngRepeat transition staggering
  33. AngularJS ngClass staggering animation
  34. AngularJS custom directive staggering animation


  1. “Learning Angularjs Animations” Source code, Richard Keller, Packt Publishing, Limited. Oct 2014. isbn:9781783984428, amazon:1783984422, google:bdgbogEACAAJ

Computers don’t create computer animation any more than a pencil creates pencil animation. What creates computer animation is the artist. - John Lasseter

Post by: Anonymoussc (@anonymoussc)